Friday 17 April 2015

Basic Soccer Rules

Soccer is one of the simplest sports in the world. This may be the reason why it's the most popular sport in the world. Here you will find the rules to play the game. The rules become more complicated and technical with the level of play. But even at the professional level they are quite simple. FIFA, International Federation of Football, holds the official rules to the game. According to them, the official rules may be modified in their application for players of under 16 years of age, female soccer players, veteran players (over 35 years of age), and for players with disabilities.

1.    Size of the field of play,
2.     Size, weight and material of the ball
3.     Width between the goal posts and height of the crossbar from the ground.
4.     Duration of the periods of play

5.     Substitutions

aWritten by Abdulaziz Ayed Alanezi
   ID: Alab7d1402

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