Sunday, 19 April 2015

Top 3 least popualr sports!

Sports may be popular but some are really not that popular than others. Today I will giving you the top three least popular sports in the world that the moment.

1. Shooting is apparently sort of popular in India and Eastern Europe and not particularly popular anywhere else. As all you are doing is watching other people shoot guns.
2. Bowling is lot of fun to do once in a while on a Friday night but as a sport is has fallen quite a bit as it is not ranked in the top twenty most popular sports in any counter in the world.
3. Darts is only rated as top three in one country in the world call Gibraltar. Darts is one of those things that people consider it as a game instead of a sport.

Here are my top three least popular sports around the world at the moment. Hope you learnt something today.


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